
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Carrot Juice Benefits For Your Body

Carrot juice has a number of compounds that benefit the health of our bodies. Carrots are commonly used in diet. Carrot juice is very effective for health because they contain vitamins needed by our bodies.
Even lately, carrots diginakan as a therapy for certain diseases. Carrot juice is one of the agents that are useful in building and maintaining health for children mauopun adults. Carrots efficacious as anti-cancer and very good for pregnant women.

Carrots contain a variety of substances that help the healing of various diseases. A small portion of fresh carrot juice to meet the needs of vitamins, minerals and enzymes as much as 2 servings of salad. Carrots contain vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and K, minerals calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, etc., are also a number of proteins ketch. Proeses juicing waste fibers that are not needed by the body.

Some people find a sense of carrot juice is very tasty and sweet. Some diseases and pain caused by age, will be lost if carrot juice is always there in your daily menu. Many people know that wrtel contain large amounts of vitamin A. Lack of vitamin A can cause skin, nail, hair and even dry up and die.

Several active components which are owned carrots among others beta carotene which is the active ingredient of carotenoids. Vitamin A supports the growth of bone, teeth, and other body jaringn. Falcarinol contained in carrots is actually toxic if consumed in large quantities and can be deadly if you consume 400 kilograms of carrots at once. Calcium helps strengthen bones, teeth and the intestinal wall.

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