
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Healthy Lifestyle

You know what a "healthy lifestyle"? In general, healthy people do not smoke, have a healthy weight, eating healthy foods and exercise. Sounds simple, right?
Tips on a healthy lifestyle is to make small changes, to take further measures, the consumption of fruit to the daily diet, drinking enough water. These are just a few ways to be able to start running a healthy lifestyle without drastic changes.
One of the biggest problems in Indonesia is the lack of physical activity (exercise). We know it's good for us but avoid if too much because if we are unfamiliar or afraid that exercise is a burden and drain on our time. In fact, simple movements done enough. Even everyday activities such as tasks, gardening and walking can be maximized.The benefits of a healthy lifestyle
By adding a healthy lifestyle, you can:

Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes
Increase joint stability
Improve and increase outreach movement
Help maintain flexibility
Maintain bone mass
Prevent osteoporosis and fractures
Improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression
Improving self-esteem
Improve memory in elderly
Reduce stress
In several studies have found that only 10% weight loss help obese people reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and increasing longevity. You can start the process of weight loss now with a regular diet. If you are not ready for a structured diet program, ranging from small things small. Healthy lifestyles to help improve your quality of life.
Things you can do, like to customize it to your needs. For example in eating habits. Eating healthy is another part of a healthy lifestyle. Not only can help clean diet with weight management, can also improve the health and quality of life. A healthy lifestyle does not have to mean drastic changes. In fact, drastic changes almost always lead to failure. Making small changes in the way you live every day can lead to great benefits, so find out what you can do to live healthier!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Diet Golongan Darah

O blood type diet

Blood group O is believed by D'Adamo as the hunter (hunter), blood group, which first appeared in humans. O blood type diet recommends that blood type O is a high-protein diet. D'Adamo is based on the belief that blood type blood type O is the first on earth, dating 30,000 years ago.
The owner of this blood type are usually high achievers tend to be, an active and organized.
Sports are suitable for O blood type diet is cardio exercise: jogging, cycling, swimming, or brisk walking. Exercise in the morning is better than the night.

O blood type diet menu
Profile diets: low carbohydrate and high protein.

Very Helpful (foods that have the effect of diet as a cure for blood type O):
ginger, kailan, turmeric, meat (beef, buffalo, deer, sheep, calf), broccoli, sweet potatoes, waluh, lettuce, radishes china, blueberries, seaweed, kelp, cherry, guava, red beans, curry, peas, all kinds of onions.

Neutral (foods that do not react to any blood type O diet):
Carp, eels, lobster, tuna, oatmeal, rice, rice cakes, rice, wheat flour, fish, sardines, shrimp, eggs (chicken, duck), butter, beans (black, red, green beans, soybeans), tempeh , tofu, soy milk, eggplant, tomatoes, pumpkin, meat (chicken, ducks, goats, geese, turkeys, rabbits)

Avoid (food that acts negatively to a diet blood type O):
Pork, peanuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, laichi, potatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, clams, frogs, octopus, eggs (goose, quail), ice cream, cheese, cow's milk, yogurt (any type), coconut oil, turtle, corn oil, corn, mushrooms, cantaloupe, mandarin oranges, plantains, bitter melon, white wine, soy sauce, coffee, liquor, squid, cuttlefish, broccoli flowers.

A blood type diet

Blood type A is called cultivators (tillers of the soil, cultivate the land) by D'Adamo, blood group A developed in the agriculture, about 20,000 years ago. Blood type diet recommends that individuals who are on a diet blood group A required emphasis on eating vegetables and avoiding red meat, food intake is geared more toward vegetarian.
People with blood type A tends to be very creative, very sensitive, and good problem solvers.
the owners of the blood group A tend to be more suited to a casual sport for 30 minutes, such as yoga, tai chi, walking, and outdoor sports. The owner of this blood type are less active in sports.

A blood type diet
profile Diet: low fat and high kerbohidrat

Very Helpful (foods that have the effect of diet as a cure for blood group A):
Spinach, peanuts, beans, nuts / soy milk, tofu, fish, sardine fish, (Snails, pineapple juice, mango, banana, lime & lemon), tempeh, rice flour, blueberries, broccoli, carrots, olive oil.

Tuna, quail eggs, sesame seeds, pumpkin, red onion, cucumber, taro, grape (all kinds), melon, cantaloupe, pear, pomegranate, kiwi, dates, strowberi, persimmon, guava, Meat (chicken, ostrich, grouse, turkey, pigeon), duck & chicken eggs, sunflower seeds, wheat bread, peas / peas, corn, tapioca.

Meat (beef, goose, rabbit, pheasant, buffalo, sheep, ducks), lobsters, eels, frogs, cheese, ice cream, milk, pure, coconut / coconut milk, honey melon, banana (king), papaya, pickles, eggplant , tomatoes, sweet potatoes, octopus, crab, potatoes, oranges, shrimp, squid, butter, milk cows, pare, soda water.

B blood type diet

Blood type B, according to D'Adamo called type nomads (wanderers). Blood type is associated with strong immune systems and digestive systems are flexible. According to the blood type diet theory, people with blood type B is the only person who can grow well with dairy products. It is estimated that blood group B originated approximately 10,000 years ago.
The owner of this blood group tends to be very practical, one who does not like to beat around the bush in many ways.
Sports are suitable for B blood type diet is moderate exercise, which uses the body and brain. Sports such as ballet, dancing can be done to support the blood type diet B.

Diet blood type B
Profile diet: Milk & dairy products

Very Helpful (foods that have the effect of diet as a cure for blood type B):
Cauliflower, eggplant, green tea, rice cakes, broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots, meat (goat, sheep, rabbits, deer), buburgandum, sea fish, cow's milk, cheese, Essene bread.

Neutral (any food that does not react to the blood type diet B):
Chicken eggs, rice bread, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, cucumber, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, squid, carp, tuna, butter, cheese, mango, melon, meat (beef, buffalo, turkey, calf liver) , oranges, pears, red beans, chickpeas, rice flour, dates, guava.

Meat (duck, chicken, geese, grouse, pigs, horses, snails, crabs, snails, peanuts, wheat bread, tomatoes, waluh, corn, water, soda, alcoholic beverages avocado, melon, pomegranate, coconut / coconut milk, persimmon, starfruit , eel, frog, octopus, lobster, ice cream, eggs (duck, goose, quail), pears.

AB blood type diet

AB blood type, according to D'Adamo called the Enigma (enigma, mystery). Blood type AB blood type is the type of the latter evolved, originated approximately 1,000 years ago. In terms of food, blood gologan AB is treated as a blood group which is an intermediary between the blood groups A and B. People with AB blood type has a clever and creative nature, have a good mind for business, easy to get along with people.
In the blood type diet, exercise suitable for O blood type diet is a yoga or pilates once a week, lightweight Jogging can also be done with intensity more often.

AB blood type diet
Profile diets: Adjusting to the different types of food.

Very Helpful (foods that have the effect of diet as a cure for blood type AB):
Sardines, green tea, tuna fish, goat's milk, egg white (chicken), ricotta cheese, sour cream (low calorie), red wine, meat (turkey, lamb, rabbit).

Neutral (any food that does not react to AB blood type diet):
red beans, rice bread, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, cucumber, pumpkin, potatoes, mustard greens, mango, squid, fish, beans, rice flour, tuna, butter, cheese, eggs, melons, oranges, pears , dates, guava.

Persimmon, Meat (beef, buffalo, chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, deer and horses), lobsters, crabs, frogs, butter, pickles, corn, star fruit, pomegranate, alcoholic beverages, ketchup, coffee, soda, guava, mango , black beans, Ice cream, duck egg, melon, banana, coconut.

Alternative Blood Type Diet

Maybe some of you start thinking that these diets are so many exceptions for food and heavy, there are alternatives other diets that you can see the diet with nutrients that are low calorie foods without membedabedakan blood type.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Healthy Diet with Fruits

WHILE many diet programs that offer the body healthy and slim. However, be careful in choosing the right diet program, because the dream of a healthy and slender body can be lost due to either choose a diet program.
In choosing a diet, limit consumption of certain food groups such as only eating fruits and vegetables are also unhealthy. Because the body will lack the necessary other substances such as proteins, carbohydrates, and others. Therefore, the diet with fruits must also be balanced intake of other nutrients.
Eating fruits
One program that is safe for the body diet is a diet with more vegetables and fresh fruit. This program is much better because of fresh vegetables and fruits commonly found fiber or fiber as essential components of foods to the diet. Consumption of fruits and vegetables in high amounts, it can also prevent people from heart attacks and cancer.
List of 10 fruits that are beneficial to health and nutrition:
Apples contain carbohydrates, especially when growing and rich in pectin (a type of fiber). Apples contain quercetin flavonols called that in some studies to have anti-cancer ingredients. Quercetin also contain anti-inflammatory making it beneficial for diseases such as arthritis. While the nutritional content, apples contain vitamin C but not as much as oranges.
Strawberries contain ellagic acid as an antioxidant. In some studies ellagic acid is shown to inhibit tumor growth in lung, osephagus, breast, cervix and tongue. As a traditional medicine, strawberries are believed to have antibacterial and is used as a cleaner digestive system. Strawberries contain lots of vitamin C.
Bananas are a source of vitamin B6 are needed to make serotonin in the brain. Serotonin serves to reduce pain, suppress appetite, and made to feel relaxed and reduce tension. As a traditional medicine, bananas are used to cure stomach ulcers. Unlike other fruits, bananas contain a lot of carbohydrates, low in carotene and vitamin C but rich in potassium.
Melons contain high sugar and lycopene, which serves as anticancer. Red melon and orange also contains carotenoids that can protect cells against free radical damage and can also be converted into vitamin A in the body. Melon is a source of carotenoids and also contain vitamin C.
Oranges contain a phytochemical called hesperidin which functions as an antioxidant. Oranges are also sources of pectin which serves to lower blood pressure and low in fiber, including fruits, but a source of vitamin C and folate.
Mangoes contain a carotenoid called beta crytoxanthin, an antioxidant that may protect against some cancers such as colon cancer and cervical bone cancer. Mangoes are rich in carotenoids, including fruit, fiber, and vitamin C.
Kiwi contains a pigment called chlorophyll which gives the fruit is green. Kiwi can be converted into a compound that has the ability to bind to cancer. The kiwi fruit is sufficient to meet the requirements of vitamin C intake of adults.
Plum contains a phytochemical called ferulic acid, which has anticancer compounds. Research shows a lot of ferulic acid consumption can help lower the risk of colon cancer. Plum is a fruit rich in fiber and potassium.
Grape skin contains a phytochemical called resveratrol that is proven to improve heart health, anticancer, antibacterial, and contains antioxidants. Grapes contain fiber and vitamin C are low.
Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which has the ability to break down proteins. Pineapples are often used as a meat tenderizer useful addition to aid digestion, describing blood clotting, prevent sinusitis, and urinary tract infections. Pineapple is a source of vitamin C and fiber and contain a high sugar content.
Five common mistakes when doing a diet program
1. Spacing breakfast
Breakfast by choosing the right foods in the morning is very important for the body to supply the energy needed to face the morning routine to avoid eating sugary or fatty snacks when hungry.
2. Excessive fat-free foods
In fact, eating fat-free does not mean the food is low in calories.
3. Consumption of salads
Contain a high calorie salad as well as hamburgers, especially if the vegetables covered with cheese, dry bread, and high-fat gravy.
4. Choosing an apple or orange juice compared
Eating fresh fruit is much better because a lot of fiber or fibers are found as components of essential foods to the diet.
5. Tighten the consumption of calories
The average body requires 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day to function. If done tightening calories, your metabolism will slow down resulting cause health problems such as anemia.

Papers five portions of Fruit and Vegetables Every Day

We know that fruits and vegetables good for our bodies because fruits and vegetables contain lots of fiber that is needed in the process of metabolism. So eating healthy fruits and vegetables to the point that we are encouraged to consume fruit and vegetable menu as much as 5 servings a day: as much as 2 servings of fruit and vegetables 3 servings. Eating fruits and vegetables to 5 servings a day is a natural healthy diet.
Consuming fruits and vegetables every day is a new thing for me. The reason I and probably also the reason so many others, is because I do not like vegetables especially fruit. Even if there are pieces that I like, usually quite expensive. Vegetables? During the dinner table there is meat or fish, vegetable I will not touch. That was my first.
The desire to slim down (after 3 pregnancies in 4 years of raising my weight to 15 kg) made me look at fruits and vegetables. September 2008 is the 6th month of my diet healthy and vegetables are the main menu in my diet. At first, I could not enjoy the vegetables I eat. Day by day, week and month to change weeks turned into months, I do not know since when exactly, I started to like the taste of vegetables. Now I can enjoy a wide variety of vegetables for lunch or dinner, and I no longer feel compelled to spend a plate of vegetables without white rice. Similarly, fruit, a platter of fresh fruit I used to enjoy as a snack replacement. In fact now it seems strange that a day does not consume the fruit. So my experience in running a healthy diet which so far has managed to reduce my weight as much as 9 kg for 6 months.
My favorite fruit is accompanied me on a healthy diet is the apple, watermelon, and pineapple. While my favorite vegetables in a healthy diet are cabbage, broccoli, and bean sprouts. By eating five servings of fruits and vegetables in a healthy diet, I do not feel hungry and tormented. My weight went down slowly but surely.
Benefits of Eating Fruits and Vegetables Serves 5.

Protected from various diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and digestive disorders.

Surveys in the United states that the risk of cardiovascular disease

can be reduced if you consume more than 3 servings of fruits and vegetables. World Cancer Research Agency also estimates the risk of all types of cancer can be reduced up to 20% by eating up to 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables. Studies also show high-fiber foods help us avoid diabetes and colon cancer. Further said that this type of cancer is very rare in countries with traditional diet mainly consists of Cereal foods, fruits and vegetables.
Excess weight away by itself.

This is because fruits and vegetables have a relatively low calorie content. Fruits and vegetables are fat-free foods, even if fat is fat is good for our health. By eating more vegetables and fruit every day there is a decrease in calorie intake causes the body to burn fat calories in our bodies when we spend more than the food intake of calories.
Weight control.

High fiber content of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables cause us to feel full so that we do not eat high-calorie snacks and even control our weight.
Smooth bowel movement every day.

The high fiber vegetables in 5 servings of fruits and vegetables cause metabolic processes to work smoothly. Defecation process even easier. Dirt that came out not too hard, and our bodies healthy. We avoid hemorrhoids, or for those who already have problems with hemorrhoids, can avoid a more severe condition (enlarged or bleeding).
    The body becomes more fresh and energetic.

The amount of vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables make the body. we are fresh and energetic so we were spared from viral infection such as influenza or other bacterial attack. We also know that the fruit is necessary for the recovery or convalescence after illness. Therefore, it has become a habit to bring the fruits when we visit relatives or friends who are sick.

Vegetables and Fruit To Diet

As we already know that fruits and vegetables are highly nutritious. But it required a specific tips for maximum nutrient content can still be obtained. Many of us thought had been eating fresh fruits and green vegetables in sufficient quantities every day. But if we look further, how many actually we have been eating, of course the story is different.
Because fresh fruits and green vegetables contain nutrients that are essential to health and reduce risk of cancer and heart disease. Both types of food were also low in fat and calories, it is also the most delicious healthy food.
So, try to consume at least five servings per day: two kinds of fresh fruit and three kinds of green vegetables. Often we rely on a number of basic foodstuffs purchased constantly. Due to a variety of vegetables and fruits that have a nutrient content varies, so by eating various types means you get greater benefit from each nutritional content.
Note the color
In order to ensure nutrient content, we also have to start from the attention to color. The darker the color, the greater nutritional content. Dark green vegetables (kale, spinach, broccoli) and vegetables and fruits, yellow-orange (sweet potatoes, carrots, mango) contains a sufficiently high nutrient levels. Try eating at least one serving per day for each of these types.
Add the vegetables, dark green to enrich the nutritional content of your salad dish When you buy a melon, choose a darker color. If you have to choose between white and red wine, choose red.
Select a fresh
The shorter the time elapsed since the harvested until it gets to the table, the greater the nutrients that you will get. If you can buy directly from farmers or market stalls where farmers sell their crops directly, or you can have a vegetable garden and fruit yourself, then you're in luck. Even if you are shopping at the supermarket, choose fruits and vegetables that look the freshest. Avoid the type that might be slightly faded or have passed its expiration date.
Types sold in plastic bags can be a good alternative choice reason, the plastic bag will help the freshness of fruit and minimize the possible loss of nutrients in the fruit. Vegetables and fruits are at peak nutritional content while still raw. By eating as fresh vegetables will ensure the integrity of the vitamins that are often easily damaged when cooked. Instead, your body also describe difficulties or ingestion of vegetables rich in fiber, such as carrots and broccoli, if it is only eaten as vegetables. Thus, the nutritional content will be more easily exploited or absorbed when vegetables are boiled first.
There are some nutrients in vegetables that are easily soluble in boiling water, and some are destroyed by heat from the fire that is too high. The longer the cooking, the more water you need and the more nutrients will be lost. Try it with a microwave that requires little water and cook a short time. This is the best way to retain nutrients in food. Melayukannya boil vegetables or with a little oil is also a good way to cook.

Vegetable Juice Diet or Raw Vegetables

Increase intake of vegetables may be listed in your diet resolutions. In order for the higher intake of vegetables, then eat your vegetable juice. There's nothing wrong with this choice. However, the benefits of eating raw vegetables can not be replaced with vegetable juice.

Mayo Clinic's nutrition expert, Katherine Zeratsky RD LD, say, low-sodium vegetable juice can increase the amount of intake of vegetables in your diet program. However, he added, you should only consume vegetable juice regularly and not be a daily routine, let alone replace the intake of raw vegetables that keep your body needs.

"The lack of intake of raw vegetables would cause the risk of constipation, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and overweight," says Zeratsky.

Vegetable juices contain vitamins and minerals are high, but lower fiber content than raw vegetables because of the manufacturing process in the blender. Meanwhile, says Zeratsky, adults need at least 203 cups of vegetables every day. This amount will vary depending on each person of age, gender, and physical activity. You can get these vegetable requirements from various sources, can be either raw or cooked vegetables, fresh or chilled vegetables, canned vegetables and vegetable juices.

Importantly, balance your intake of fresh vegetables or raw vegetable juice to your diet program a success and stay healthy.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Avoid diet Torturing

less Nutrition
Several methods of diet encourages people to do extreme things, such as avoiding food groups that is actually needed by the body, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

hungry eyes
Forcing yourself to eat less, can lose weight quickly. But it can make you hungry. This condition can encourage you to be tempted to eat a lot. Eventually your weight will go up again.

Extreme Behavior Encouragement
When you lose weight in the extreme, in the end, you will just have an extreme desire to eat well. One day you have a diet that is "very healthy," then the next day you may have heard this so-called yo-yo diet can have dire consequences.

less Energy
Reducing your calorie intake dramatically will result in you feeling tired quickly so you do not productive. Instead, you should understand about a healthy lifestyle by providing healthy food, too.

Many activities, Need Eating Disorders
To lose weight, you are advised to continue to eat well. Diet does not mean having to run a marathon to burn calories. Because, it is sufficient only for active living. That way, a lot of calories can be burned. It also increases the body's metabolism.

To lose weight, you need not torture ourselves with strict diets. If you want to have a beautiful body, of course you must have a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced nutritious diet and diligent exercise.

Fight the Obesity with Vegetables

IF you include people who are not anti-vegetable, be grateful! Various studies have shown that vegetables contain potent compounds that can increase endurance, protects you from disease and 'fight' obesity. Furthermore, phytochemicals, substances that can only be found in vegetables and fruits, potent menurunkankan risk of chronic diseases and cancer.
The habit of eating vegetables does not come naturally to everyone. Moreover, as revealed by dr. Leane Manurung, MSc, doctors nutritionists, the original flavor of vegetables is not as good as meat, "If it is not cooked with spices or sauce are delicious, the taste of vegetables is less lucrative," he said. In addition, many people who do not like to eat vegetables because it is not habitual childhood. "Most children who do not like eating vegetables is that mothers work or not painstaking 'serve' his son," says Leane. Researchers from the National Cancer Institute, U.S., and even found that only 20% of children who ate fruits and vegetables in sufficient servings each day. And 25% of the types of vegetables are eaten by them are french fries If you include people who are lazy or even less likely to eat vegetables, maybe a little trick can help you to meet the needs of daily vegetable intake. Nothing wrong, right, try!
Find what you likeFortunately we live in a tropical country that is rich in various plants. Yes, you can easily find the type of vegetables are preferred. To get it you need to arouse curiosity and adventurous spirit you are. And most important is the willingness to experiment. Experiment will include processing methods. Because vegetables are processed by boiling, pan-fried, microwaved or eaten raw will give a different taste and texture. How to cultivate the right still must be considered. For example, the vegetables should be cooked in quick time, as you often see in Chinese food restaurants. "If cooked quickly, the color will remain green vegetables. Moreover if too long, vitamins and minerals will be reduced," said Leane.
Gado-gado salad orYou can put whatever vegetables you like into the salad, such as lettuce, tomatoes, beets, corn, peppers, carrots, onions and others. In addition to vegetables,
Why is it necessary to eat vegetables?There are three processes that occur in the body, namely combustion (power), construction (growth) and settings. To get the power, the body requires carbohydrate, fat and protein. Meanwhile, to grow and develop necessary protein and water. And to arrange all this process to occur there must be vitamins and minerals derived from vegetables and fruits. "That is why the vegetables are very important for the body, because there are certain substances which can only be obtained through the vegetables. The meat also contained vitamins and minerals, but the discrepancy was small," says Leane.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits is also an ideal way to lose weight naturally. In addition to low calorie and low fat, fiber in the vegetables can be filling the stomach. Vegetables also make work a better intestinal peristalsis, thus facilitating defecation.
Serve with a drawWay of presenting interesting and processing can help you get rid of a sense of reluctance to eat vegetables. No need to consume raw vegetables or put a whole pile of vegetables in your dinner plate. Try to make it more delicious cooked into soups, pizza, pie or lasagna. By cutting into smaller sizes or mixed with other food ingredients, vegetables will be better seen. Moreover, when eating soup, you will not feel the flavor and aroma of each vegetable. Or as in pastel or lasagna, you need not look directly vegetables because the dough is wrapped closed.
Fruit may be added
Many of the nutrients present in vegetables are also found in fruit. So you could replace the nutritional deficiencies of these vegetables with fruits. But that does not mean avoiding vegetables altogether. There are nutrients and compounds in vegetables that can not be easily obtained elsewhere. "The fruit contains more vitamins, but less fiber and minerals," says Leane. But you could combine fruits with vegetables. Drinking a glass of juice in the morning and another one in the afternoon or evening can be a considerable effort. But because the number of fibers lost in the processing of juice, so not a good idea if only rely on juice alone. And do not forget, also note variations in the type and color of the fruit you will eat. Each type and color has its own advantages.

Lose Weight with Orange Juice

1. Drinking orange juice at breakfast.
Dietitian Katherine Zeratsky of mayoclinic say that drinking a glass of orange juice before breakfast will help you avoid overeating. In addition, vitamin C in it also can increase endurance throughout the day, so it will always fit your body and metabolic system to function normally.

2. Replace fizzy drinks with orange juice.
Orange juice not only can increase endurance, but also contain sugars with light levels. Get rid of soft drinks with high calories and replace it with orange juice.

3. Bring a bottle of orange juice wherever you go.
Gynecology poliphenol in citrus can maintain hydration or water levels in the body. On the other hand make your stomach feel fuller for longer. In addition, the drink can be consumed anytime, if the body feels hungry while eating snacks.

4. Drinking grapefruit juice before meals.
Just like at breakfast, a glass of orange juice before a meal can make your stomach feel full faster. This allows you to avoid overeating. Orange juice also helps the fiber or complex carbohydrates from vegetables is good for the digestive system.

5. Drinking grapefruit juice before bed.
Drinking a glass of orange juice 1.5 hours before you sleep can prevent hunger, so it will not eat snacks at night. Orange juice will also keep enough fluids throughout the night. It is good for metabolism when you sleep.

Eight Benefits of Diet Vegetables

1. DetoxificationVegetables such as pumpkin, spinach, or cabbage contain fiber that can remove toxins from the body. Diet is only with eggs, fish, and mutton is not sufficient to meet the needs of our fiber.
2. In order for stronger bonesEating too much meat can lead to excessive levels of the protein that can interfere with the kidneys. As a result, impaired calcium absorption and force the body takes calcium from the bones. However, in vegetarians, this is rare.
3. Enough carbohydratesNonvegetarian diet can result in our lack of carbohydrate sources. Lack of carbohydrates can lead to ketosis, in which the body starts using lemat (not carbohydrates) as energy source.
4. Facilitate digestionComplex carbohydrates in vegetarian foods are digested gradually and regularly, so provide a source of glucose remained. Conversely, the meat rich in fat and proteins are difficult to digest.
5. Healthy SkinEating vegetables from the root crops like carrots and radishes, tomatoes, and pumpkins can clean the stain on the face. In addition, guava, apples, pears, and peaches are eaten along with the skin, can result in skin that shines.
6. Weight managementAvoiding meat is the simplest way to reduce fat intake. Instead, eat whole grains, legumes (beans), vegetables, nuts, and fruits can lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and obesity.
7. Protecting your teethWe are more suited molar chewing grains and vegetables than meat cuts. Digestion begins from the saliva which can only digest the complex carbohydrates found in plant foods.
8. Phytonutrient sourcesDiabetes, cancer, kidney disease, stroke, and osteoporosis can be prevented by phytonutrient or nutrient intake for activating the process of burning fat in the body, slowing the aging process, and contain antioxidants. These materials are only contained in vegetables.

Dragon fruit for health benefits

Dragon fruit has beneficial properties for human health such as balancing blood sugar levels, protecting oral health, prevention of colon cancer, reduce cholesterol, preventing bleeding and treating complaints of vaginal discharge.

Dragon fruit is usually consumed as fresh fruit as relieving thirst, because the dragon fruits contain high water content of about 90% by weight of the fruit. It was pretty sweet because it contains sugar content reaches 13-18 briks. Dragon fruit can also be presented in the form of juice, fruit juice, sweets and jam or various forms of presentation according to your taste.

In general, experts agree and acknowledge the dragon fruit is rich in potassium, ferum, protein, fiber, sodium and calcium is good for health versus other fruits are imported.

According to AL Leong from Johncola Pitaya Food R & D, an organization that examines the red dragon fruit, cactus fruit is quite rich honey with a variety of vitamins and mineral substances which greatly helped improve the durability and beneficial for metabolism in the human body.

"Research shows the red dragon fruit is excellent for the circulatory system, also gives the effect of reducing the emotional pressures and neutralize toxic in the blood." Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, in addition to preventing high cholesterol content in the blood and reduce levels of fat in body, "he said.

Overall, each of the red dragon fruit contain adequate protein can increase metabolism and maintain cardiovascular health; fiber (to prevent colon cancer, diabetes and diet); carotene (eye health, strengthen the brain and prevent the entry of the disease), calcium (bone strengthening).

Dragon fruit also contain adequate iron to increase the blood; vitamin B1 (to prevent fever entity); vitamin B2 (add to taste), vitamin B3 (lowers cholesterol) and vitamin C (increase slipperiness, smoothness of skin and prevent acne).

Here is a complete nutritional content of the dragon fruit:
Sugar content: 13-18 briksWater: 90%Carbohydrates: 11.5 gAcid: 0.139 gProtein: 0.53 gFiber: 0.71 gCalcium: 134.5 mgPhosphorus: 8.7 mgMagnesium: 60.4 mgVitamin C: 9.4 mg

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Slim tips

Often we hear that the diet was so painful, but the term does not apply to some people, diets do not always have to torture. At least, that according to some experts. Not only nutritionists, sports medical doctor, psychologist, and a healthy lifestyle consultant was trying to give some simple advice.
For example, drink plenty of water or eat little portions but often in accordance with a predetermined time or less the same every day. In essence, instead of torturing yourself with super-strict diet that makes us nervous, it's better to develop the right diet and healthy as early as possible, before our bodies "bloom". indeed need to do weight-loss diet, do it the right way under the supervision of a physician, for trim, also need the business. But, if we know his strategy, it turns out guns very complicated-complicated, really.
Do Negative Thinking ThingsLike the belly or can not eat chocolate. Instead, imagine yourself slimmer, fitter and healthier. The more real the image, the more we feel confident to achieve it. Every time I think about eating, for example, ask yourself how hungry we are on a scale of 1-10. If you feel we score in the bottom 5, trying not to eat or at least, pause for a moment. When we're really hungry, stop and think whether we choose foods that can make us happy or whether the food is healthy enough to help us achieve the goal. If the answer to both questions is no, better choose other foods that are much better for our bodies.
Expand Fresh Vegetable ConsumptionMost women who want to lose weight magnesium deficiency. In fact, the magnesium is useful to convert food into energy, instead of being fat. Therefore, consume more fruits and vegetables fresh or unprocessed. Occasionally, to stimulate our metabolism system, try the juice diet. How, in a day try to only eat or drink fruit juice or fresh vegetables.
Cooking overcooked tend to eliminate the important nutrients in foods. Too often ate overcooked cuisine will also make the stomach and lymph susceptible to interference. Both parts are considered the weakest area, when our poor diet. In addition to consuming fresh vegetables, try also to more frequent consumption of grain or wheat. That way, we have enriched our diets with an enzyme that serves to balance the metabolic system. Means we also help your body weight loss in a healthier way.
Practicing Good HabitsTo support the diet program, trying to develop our good habits. The edges will help us maintain a diet and maintain weight. One of them is the habit of reading labels calories listed on food packaging. This will not only train us to be consumers care, but also know the type, ingredients, nutritional value, and great food calories to be consumed.
Finally, we will be more concerned with the materials we eat. Also how big the risk is to make us fat. Another habit that we can try is to eat the night before at 18:00. Dinner is three to four hours before bedtime is good for digestion, the body's metabolic system as a whole, and weight. Dinner is not too late to give the opportunity to tidy up the work of digestion is faster. Result of metabolism also had time to use. Instead, dinner before bed makes the bowels less than optimal. As a result, there will be heaps that are not important in our bodies.
Eating Portion of the Same Every DayEating less will only alleviate the body's metabolic system in the short term and can actually increase fat mass and decrease muscle tissue metabolism in the long run. Calorie intake and food composition changing in time can complicate weight loss. In fact, when the average calorie intake per day is still within normal limits (for example, 1500 calories). Therefore, safeguarding the stability of nutritional and caloric intake daily is an important way to achieve a healthy body weight for very long. If today we eat that much, do not the law itself the next day by starvation. Instead, keep food in a reasonable amount and select the types of foods that are healthier.
Not Origin Satiety And GladMake sure we get the nutrition needed to achieve a slimmer body shape. Observe that the high slimming nutritious food does not always make us full and happy. Therefore, foods that are just fun and filling is usually in the form of three types; following snacks: fried, high-calorie foods, and sugary foods. Making all three as a friend when joy and sorrow is tantamount to signing a fat contract in the future.
Side dishes are fried, like tempeh or tofu, is eaten with rice is usually consumed within reasonable limits. However, if we're; undergoing a strict diet, fried sweet side dish or high calories! should still be restricted. Different story when fried, high-calorie foods that comes in the form of snacks. In addition to the nu; minimal, snacks are also likely to be consumed in large quantities, continuous, and intriguing. Therein lies the danger, we will be satisfied and pleased with these kinds of snacks. But do not expect us to be healthy and slim.
Consider Quality Not QuantityWhen you're enjoying the food that we really like, the first bite and the latter will be felt most fun, rest, the part between the first and the last bite is not too large alias will just go away in our mouths. So, select the portion that is not too big to take enough food. Do not be tempted to take more than we want or need.
Trap that we often encounter such temptations too-good-to-miss food (Ah, ... chesse cake is too delicious to pass up). We may eat the cake. But it does not need to take a large chunk, right? Small chunks of savory enough to satisfy. Another temptation is the promotion of the restaurant. For example, we usually eat a plate of fried rice portion was, however, because there was a promotion we choose large portions. After all, the same price, we can share twice as large. Well, if that happens, we're stuck.
Drink Lots of Water, Not a MythWater holds a vital role in almost all biological processes, from respiratory, digestive, until the circulation in the body. Water transports nutrients and remove toxins from the body, another benefit for those who diet, water makes hungry bear. Fresh water, either cold, warm, or hot, will not make us fatter, because the water contains no calories (zero calorie). Drinking a glass of cold water, when the desire to snack. Sprinkle with lemon juice (without added sugar), if we want ice water with different sensations.
Drinking water was getting out of bed or just before bed to ease the hunger that arises when waking up or going to sleep. Drink water before it is time to eat, so the stomach will feel full and the desire to take food in large portions is reduced. Anyway, do not forget to drink lots of water. The rest, of course we have to change the wrong diet into a healthy diet and nutritious. This is better than we did a super strict diet.
Choose Complex CarbohydratesSimple carbohydrates, like sugar, sugary foods, white rice, white bread, instant noodles, chicken porridge, sweet foods or drinks having a bad character for the body, by contrast, complex carbohydrates, like brown rice, whole wheat bread, pasta, oatmeal , cassava, maize, or bananas, more profitable.
Insulin response of complex carbohydrates to the body happens slowly or bit by bit. That is, because it is released gradually, the blood sugar tends to be used optimally, so the possibility for stockpiled or stored in fat cells is reduced. The resulting energy levels are also high in complex carbohydrates, making it suitable for maintaining stamina during exercise. Complex carbohydrates fattening effect is also smaller.
For example, select the green bean porridge with brown sugar (do not do
seasoning sugar and coconut milk), wheat bread sandwich with low-calorie jam for breakfast. Select is also a hodgepodge without a rice cake (replace boiled potatoes), sirloin / tenderloin steak with boiled potatoes. peanut skin, or boiled peanuts. And a dinner of brown rice with side dishes.